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Master of Science

Master International Management (CEMS MIM)

The key to your future career in a global business environment

If you would like to find out more about the specific details of the master's programme International Management (CEMS MIM), please click here.

Application information

Grade Conversion Tool

The conversion is a not binding official information, but provides orientation to convert your foreign grade into a German equivalent. The basis for this is the so-called modified Bavarian formula; you can find all information on this determined in the resolution of the Kultusministerkonferenz. You can only obtain an official conversion via uni-assist; please request your VPD as early as possible. Experience shows that the processing time is 8 weeks.

In the first field, enter the best grade that can be achieved in your university's grading system.; in the second field, the grade with which the examination is still considered to have been passed at your university; in the third field, your current overall grade.

The result is the equivalent of your grade according to the German grading system, in which 1,0 is the best grade and 4,0 is the grade with which an examination is just passed.

Please enter grades with decimal places, with a comma, e.g. 2,3.

Grade Conversion Tool